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Innovation Talks "Open Innovation: from lab to market"

Cover evento
Date From 21.11.2022 time
End Date To 21.11.2022 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , Pisa 56127 Italia

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Seminar with with Nicola Vitiello and Alberto Di Minin for EELISA InnoCORE project

The Outreach and Impact Area, as part of EELISA InnoCORE project is organizing a webinar entitled "Open Innovation: from the lab to Market" with the partecipation fo Alberto Di Minin, full professor of Management and Nicola Vitiello, scientific manager of Wereable Robotics Laboratory of the Biorobotics Institute and founder of IUVO

The event is aimed at PhDs, researches, students and citizens. It will be broadcast live from the Aula Magna of the Sant'Anna School starting at 3 p.m. and can be watched online on our YouTube channel and on EELISA Channel.


  • Introduction by Alberto Di Minim "Innovation and open innovation: pros and cons of the scheme"
  • Case study: IUVO exoskeletons from lab to market
  • Alberto Di Minim interviews Nicola Vitiello, full professor of the Biorobotics Institute and founder of IUVO
  • Space for debate - Q&A

Registration recommended at this link